Week that made Dubai the Metaverse investment capital of the world

Mx Hub
4 min readOct 15, 2022


Seeing all big corporations focus of Metaverse, UAE has accelerated investments to Metaverse, several times, this week of 7 biggest events.

Gitex / Xverge / World Metaverse Show / Future Blockchain Summit / Northstar / AI everything / Fintech Surge.

If you weren’t this week in Dubai, you missed opportunity to get in touch with all technology leaders, and the heads of the new billion $ funds.

dubai metaverse strategy

One of leaders of our Metaverse Startups Rating has got $25 mln. investment offering and said “No”, cos there were another two investors waiting for them. $100 valuation at pre-seed stage!

How to get offerings from multiple funds, in one week?

Experienced Team, Vision, Global footprint. If startup leader present all of that by keynoting, success is guaranteed. That is simple formula that I suggest startups to follow, but also to be able to deliver in time!

My Metaverse Rating is based on these principles, and I was invited to Dubai to make Dubai Metaverse strategy the reality.

UAE is the first country where Metaverse Ministry was created, following the initiatives of Dubai crown Prince Hamdan and Dr. Al Merhebi.

His Meta Congress program is intergovernmental effort to consolidate thought leaders and regulators, to iniiate the election of a sort of Metaverse parliament, which is to adopt Open Metaverse standards of protecting people in Metaverse.

Another Meta Alliance — Meta Congress goal is the

Many central banks, expecially in the MENA region, have the infrastructure that enables them to launch digital currencies. In spite of FRS that don’t want stablecoins to compete with $, there in Arab world we have more friendly approach towards digital assets.

Abdulrahman Al Hamid, who currently serves as Director General Chairman of the Board in the Arab Monetary Fund, noted that there is an accelerating pace of digitization of financial services.

Digitization, according to Al Hamid, is largely driven by innovation in financial infrastructures, the use of distributed records technology, and the provision of various aspects of digital currencies to central banks.

The US regulation is more restrictive, so UAE has a handicap in this area!

Why Dubai has the best chances to be #1 global investment hub for Ai/ Metaverse startups?

Confluence of factors and mega-trends:

  1. War in Ukraine ruins the economy of the entire Europe
  2. Hi-tech demand is switching from distressed USA and EU, to MENA, since China is also prohibited for USA companies because of Taiwan
  3. 18% of IT/digital marketing budgets are invested now in Metaverse technologies and marketing. The

Meta Alliance is connecting startups with investors, clients, regulators, influencers and partners.


Forget everything you read or heard about raising funds from investors: all changed this week.

In first week of October, startups from Metaverse Rating asked me about fundraising, and I said them to wait.

This week, investors unleashed their funds, frosen since Spring. The best startups were offered more that one can imagine!

Insight #1: Do not select investors. It does not matter if their website says that they only invest in Series-A. Even their field does not matter.

Are you a startup with a technology, instrumental for convergent infrastructure of AI/ Metaverse / IoT? Just increase your footprint to be visible on the investors’ radars. And make personal contacts, at events.

Sales to state entities and companies working of digital twin/ cybersecurity.

Ministry of economy & tourism, Health, police and other departments are interested in technologies, facilitating public health and safety. So, one could make big sales, if fit into the goals of government and corporations.

All you need, is to learn, who is in charge of the program, you fit to.


Metaverse/ AI experts are invited to Dubai, there on the screenshot you can see a lot of benefits. The Metaverse strategy goal is to create 40k jobs in this area, so, specialists could get Dubai resudency, Golden Visa, with 0% TAXES!

Coldest winter expected in Europe, tens of thousands of companies preparing to relocate.

Be the first, to help your friends to relocate for this winter

About Meta Alliance — Metabook




Mx Hub

Mx Hub is first Sharing Ecosystem of top rated Emerging tech and Metaverse leaders.