Short history of the future: COVID world war & mankind-saving Heroes.
Mankind passes one of the most decisive moments of history, half of population being quarantineed. What determines how everything goes, from the economy to the social structure? It depends on the agenda that dominate the social media now.
There is the goal of the digest “Post-pandemic future” I propose you to participate in, in order to save the future. The man with a dream can make the global impact. At the inflection point, even small actions matters.
Masayoshi Son, had long dreamed of seeing the hero of the Japanese tech elite. In 2000 he led entrepreneurs on a pilgrimage 380 miles south of Tokyo to a bronze statue of Ryoma Sakamoto, a samurai who took Japan to modern Era. You have to be VERY aggressive to make a better world.
Ryoma inspired Masa to create the biggest Emerging tech fund, with game-changing companies like UBER. Masa inspired me, along with David Brin and Bruce Sterling.
Lay out the brief points of your vision by the link below, and I will engage thought leaders, and investors / founders of such apps with hundreds millions users, as PicsArt and Hotspot Shieldf, to join the debate.
Self-executing predictions: what choose billion people will become reality
Bruce Sterling and David Brin described this post-apocalyptic future in novels, where one can see the recipes to prevent this grim future. But the social consciousness is structured so that less qualified influencers now dominate the agenda.
What agenda dominate in media today? COVID charts and fears.
Martin Ciupa: “Never before has a simple chart affected so many people. As the novel coronavirus spread across the world, country after country introduced restrictions on travel and social interaction in an effort to “flatten the curve” of new infections. Such efforts resulted in mandatory lockdowns for some 3.9bn people in 92 countries by April 8th, according to data compiled by the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University
Predictions for reopening economies:
US- since mid-May, some states will stay in quarantine till June.
Germany, Denmark, Austria — early May.
If in social media will dominate fear, the global economy is doomed. Moreover, fear drives immunity system down. So, fear inself may lead to a prolonged quarantine and the global economy collapse.
China have made thedigital control system of social rating, based on total surveilance. Do you want this horrible system to be epanded to your country?David Brin, author of sci-fi novels translated into 25+ languages. His short stories explore vividly speculative ideas. Brin’s nonfiction book The Transparent Society won the American Library Association’s Freedom of Speech Award for exploring 21st Century concerns about security, secrecy, accountability and privacy.
Other scenarios:
Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier: Viruses are now designed in Labs
David Siegel: The War on Sensemaking, and the Death of Democracy
Permanent Crisis and Technosociality in Bruce Sterling’s Distraction
Bruce Sterling’s science fiction novel Distraction (1999) envisions a near-future (mid-twenty-first-century) US in which the economy has collapsed, entire categories of skilled and professional labor have ceased to exist, rampant and endemic joblessness leaves masses of the unemployed to survive, described as “underwater” and the West as “on fire”), and the ongoing crisis has enabled the proliferation of ad hoc governance structures (“State-of-Emergency cliques”).
In this world, biotech can fabricate nutrition from scrub grass and weeds, which they also use to fabricate the phones and laptops central to their wired, moneyless reputation economy.
Sterling’s novel elaborates the implications of his earlier story about network gift economies, “Maneki Neko,” in Sterling, A Good Old-Fashioned Future. This concept of network gift economy is the base for Telewellness Health-Wealth project.
We have to restart the hope to restart the economy: Health-Wealth future to start with the Cruise of hope.
Longevity Impact Forum and Strong AI initiative iniatiators announce here the Cruise of Hope as the starting point of LifeTime Award (LTA).
LTA is to make the ranking of the authors of anti-coronaitus solutions. These solutions wil be tested in cruise and distributed by Telework agent network.
Telework agent network is to be a generator of wealth for remote members of Telework network.
Who will profit from Ai-generated $15,7 Trillion new wealth?
It is the real question of this economic shift caused by COVID. The economic power is passing from oil industrial complex to Emerging tech companies. Until a few weeks ago, Zoom was barely known outside of the world of enterprise IT. But now it is everywhere. Schools and hospitals have it, before being taken into intensive care the U.K. prime minister spoke to the cabinet through it!
Who will profit ftom this amount of new wealth ($15,7 trillion, according to PWC).
At Davos 2019, I initiated this discussion: sharing benefits with data owners. Big data processing is “making it the biggest commercial opportunity in today’s fast changing economy,” according to a recent report by PwC.
AT WEF 2020 I presented Strong AI initiative. The idea of Strong AI initiative is to design human-level AGI, a free personal AI-doctor/mentor for each person benefit, not for shareholders of data aggregators like Facebook.
Sustainable future.
Trend lines, such as those towards telecommuting, telemedicine, online shopping, and digital media consumption, are suddenly much steeper. Global supply chains are broken. Healthcare delivery is likely to change in ways that will make the last decade’s adoption of Obamacare look trivial. Many of your B2B customers may be shut down; millions of consumers are out of work. Some of the fundamental assumptions underlying your current business model may have been (or may soon be) upended.
Healthcare failed. Worker protections. Privacy and security under siege. Working out from home — will be temporary for most people. New media influencers teaching kids. Charlie O’Donnell vision, see
Keith Teare made the best VC outlook based on latest trends
Ten Reasons Every Company Should Be Raising Capital Online Right Now
At Netcapital, they had a company go live just six days after a first phone call with us.
Make it easier for investors to get to a “YES” decision.
It is hard to part with $25,000 or $100,000 to buy stock in a startup company. Even the wealthiest need to have a conversation with their significant other before writing a check in the six figures. Through online portals, the minimum investment sizes are much more manageable. Investors are likely to be much easier to close for $5,000 than for $50,000. Especially in times like these where wallets are tightening, making it easy for investors to say “YES” is particularly important.
All you need to start sustainable business now, are good connections.
Why Now Might Be The Best Time For Great Startup Ideas
“Actually we think its perfect timing because in times of crises, in times of dislocation, that’s when some great ideas are born,” says Ophelia Brown, whose Blossom Capital venture capital firm has just launched a new angel program called Cultivate.
How one man can change the future?
The practical answer to this question is a blueprint for forward-thinking business leaders and managers that will help them create higher-performing and faster-moving teams and companies.
Check out Bill’s principles on SlideShare.
I invite you to share these opportunities Telewellness — Telework offer
Edward Musinski
Telework consortium