Masters of Metaverse: NFT-based Health-Wealth economy is eating the wellness industry

Mx Hub
3 min readNov 11, 2021


Feliks Pak is guru in Healthcode network. Like in Bruce Sterling’s A Good Old-Fashioned Future. This concept of network gift economy is the base for Telewellness Health-Wealth Metaverse ability to disrupt health coaching.

Feliks surfing the wave of health wealth

I am a Curator of Yoga Guru (on the picture, Feliks demonstrates real wonders). As the owner of Telewellness UK, I put all my resources in his project, without signing a written contract. My colleagues did the same.

Why we are sure in the fair distribution of the future ourcomes?

The answer is: Reputation. In Metaverse, you’re fully digital, so, no way to avoid your obligations.

And the most important: early curators of Metaverse influencers will be the ultimate winners. This relationship is based on NFT-linked royalties, coming from the influencer’s projects.

In real world you can’t be the curator of Kim Kardashian.

In Metaverse, that is possible!

You just need to be an early adopter of NFT project, like Healthcode Telewellness join project of making a Second Life platform in wellness.

In new economy, NFTs share to you your part of the outcomes from every interaction with your asset (health coach, in Healthcode case).

Consider this use case:

After Feliks appearence on the TV, and his demonstration of real wonders produced by his method, the demand for his sessions will skyrocket. So the value of my NFT, which gives the access to him!

All future revenues from Feliks work are alreade included into Healthcode NFT mechanism.

That is cumulative effect of Sharing network economy! It is so powerful that investors are pooring up to $100M daily, in this market! And in startups:

Take the Hopin case: in 2 years it has reached $5.65 billion valuation! Hopin understands that while talks delivered by big names might be a big draw for ticket sales — the real value is in the many one-to-one interactions.

How to make use of this wave of wealth abundance from network capitalism?

In my article I predicted 10 megatrends that now disrupt the global economy,

There is no limit to what one can achieve if sharing ourcomes early & fairly.

Number one is Insurance, the source of value for Healthcode Telewellness Sharing Economy.

The Insurance Industry Transforms from “Recovery After Risk” to “Prevention of Risk”: from sickcare to preventative healthcare.

This Metatrend is driven by the convergence of the following: machine learning, ubiquitous sensors, low-cost genome sequencing, and robotics to detect risk, prevent disaster, and guarantee safety before any costs are incurred.

AR/VR + AI Revolution is Bigger Than Invention of Electricity.

Almost all service industries will be digitalized.

How can ond leverage the coming waves of tech advancements?

Neuroscientist Jud Brewer has the practical answers. Short answer: awareness.

We just have to be aware of how rewarding or unrewarding the behavior is.

Everyone needs Health coach to follow simple preventative medicine recommendations.

The relationship between dehydration, chronic disease, and disease-related mortality is well-established. Last year, a study published in Nutrients looked at the hydration status of a US adult population ages 51 to 70 years old and found that 65% failed to meet hydration criteria.

So, when most of people realise the power of Preventative health, the mass adoption of health coaches will be a new reality for billions!

And most of them will choose the best coaches.

Imagine, how much royalty you might get from millions of tranzactions with best coach avatar, through NFT?!

Edward Musinski.


Influencers get 30% of royalties, consider HealthCode NFT scheme here



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Mx Hub

Written by Mx Hub

Mx Hub is first Sharing Ecosystem of top rated Emerging tech and Metaverse leaders.

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