How Artificial Intelligence can contribute to our health.
Number one: stress-relief, entertainment use of robots
laughter prolongs life
Number two: digital health. is developing sharing data platform for the training of the best AI in health-related issues.
Rulers of the world, according to Putin.
“Artificial intelligence is the future of all mankind. There are colossal opportunities and threats that are difficult to forecast today. The one who will become the leader in this sphere will be the ruler of the world.”
The rulers of the world will be not Vladimir Putin, the author of these words, but the authors of algorithms of machine learning and AI. The restart of the world economy and the future of the whole world politics depend on the guys designing and training artificial intelligence models. The models are the source of the real power behind these tools. A model is a decision framework in which the logic is processed by algorithm from data.
It depends on these guys whether the AI will comply with the three laws of robotics by Isaac Asimov, will it solve global problems of inequality, or will it turn into an ominous Skynet. For the first time in history, geniuses have a chance to reshape world on their own.
They are involved in new race for global domination. The AI race is more dangerous than the nuclear arms race, because besides big countries, there are thousands more participants. We need AI Einstein and Bertrand Russel to accentuate humankind on the danger of unethical AI. Russell–Einstein Manifesto was in 1955 highlighted the dangers posed by nuclear weapons.
Marshall McLuhan’s immortal prophesy keeps coming true: “We shape our tools and then our tools shape us.”
The biggest AI backer.
Masayoshi Son, the founder of SoftBank, says he is devoting 97% of his “time and brain” to the scientific field of artificial intelligence. So, he is one of AI heroes.
His Soft bank is running the biggest fund investing in AI. Soft Bank’s Vision Fund has invested $93 Bln. in AI-driven companies or companies producing infrastructure for AI (Nvidia). Soft Bank may be a key player in development of a beneficial general AI.
The great difference between performance and success.
Success is a gain of influence, a jump in reputation, rating, etc. I.e. a kind of collective measure that reflects the reaction of some community
Success depends on your connections. You can grow your network of like-minded specialists if you act ethically correctly.
The purpose of the article: to encourage AI specialists to create a kind of trade union called to regulate the ethical issues of AI. AI customers can lay down anti-human algorithms. Our task is to prevent the fulfillment of such orders.
We can unite our brains to stop the policy of nationalism pursued by the countries of the world after England and the United States. Do not you see that this has already led to trade wars, and then can lead to real wars using military AI? Let AI prolong people’s life, but not threaten!
There is simultaneously an idealistic and pragmatic appeal at the end or article:
AI developers, unite for a sharing synergy!
SoftBank will back our sharing efforts!
Edward Musinshi